TOGETHER... My Favorite Place to Be.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This week's menu

I can't seem to get the time to post anything on this blog!! There are always so many distractions.. maybe the more I do it the easier it will get. And when your kids grow up shouldn't that mean less distractions??

Since I PLAN to blog on Thursday, I will just post the menu for the week now. I know... I am a day late, but I will include last night's menu anyway.

hot dogs
steak sandwiches

Monday- lemon basil chicken, parmesean red potatoes, cauliflower

Tuesday- business dinner out (Ryan is at Kirk's, Rachel will grab whatever)

Wednesday- cubed steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn and salad

Thursday- pork chops, fried potatoes, carrots and applesauce

Friday- pizza!! probably out, maybe homemade

Saturday- leftovers

Sunday- Friend Becky's Birthday Dinner- hamloaf, sweet potatoes with pineapple, corn casserole, broccoli and cheese, deviled eggs, cheese chucks, rolls and strawberry cake (different recipe than Easter's)

Sunday night- Christian Couples Connection at our house, Mexican themed menu- chicken enchiladas, corn casserole, spanish coffee cake and whatever everyone else brings!

I hope to do better about posting pictures on here. I am always slightly disappointed when I go to read someone's post and there are no pictures. Again, practice makes perfect, and I will try to do better.

On Thursday I hope to post my first entry into the Tablescape Thursday hosted by Between Naps on the Porch. I am excited about it. It will be of our Mother's Day table. As I was getting everything all set up Larry kept saying, "You love this don'tya?" I had so much fun, but it was kinda scary knowing I was setting it up to take pictures for Tablescape Thursday!

Thanks for stopping by!


Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Now that I know you have a blog I look forward to your posts! And, yes... definitely learn to do pictures. We all love pictures! Can't wait to see your tablescape!

Ronda said...
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Ronda said...

Your menu sounds DElicious and I will look forward to seeing your "tablescape". How fun! :)