TOGETHER... My Favorite Place to Be.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm a Planner

Most people that know me well would say I am a list maker and a planner.  Even those that don't know me well would probably know that. So, it is no surprise to anyone that I love the New Year! I love beginnings: new year, new season, Mondays! Mr. Fye has accused me of not enjoying the here and now because I am always looking forward to the next thing.  As usual, he is right, and I have been trying to not do that! 

So, here we are at the beginning of 2014 and I do not have one goal list written down! That is so not me!  Getting back to me will be the result of my goal list this year.  It will take a lot of changing, reorganizing, and a good dose of discipline! The last two years have been anything but normal.  I have had physical setbacks that have touched every area of my life.  My daughter and her family have lived with us the last two years, too.  It has not been a horrible situation, but it is always tough to have 2 families living together in such a small house.  Things are changing with them getting their own home this month and I am feeling better finally!!

Here are somethings about me right now:

What I am watching.... Fringe Season 3, Downton Abbey (Season Premiere in 20 minutes!) and The Good Wife

What I am reading... Not A Fan, W is for Wasted, and God's Hands in My Business.

What new things I have cooked... snow ice cream (not really cooking), open-faced lasagna sandwiches and Swedish meatballs.

My view.... a very messy bedroom.

What I can hear... Fringe, Ryan playing the guitar and singing, music from the other room and someone walking through the house.  

So, tonight I plan to watch Downton Abbey and work on my 2014 goals.  One being to blog more!

(I tried to add pictures but there's a glitch!)

"If all you can do is crawl, start crawling." ~Rumi

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